Support - Information about the AnaGate product series

The Support section contains information about the AnaGate product series.


Here you will find manuals, user guides and brochures for the AnaGate product series.

Software Downloads

In the software download section, you will find updates for the individual software programs and developer libraries.

Firmware Downloads

In the firmware download section, you will find firmware updates for the AnaGate devices.


Frequently asked questions about the installation and troubleshooting.

E-mail support

If you require technical assistance over the Internet, please send an e-mail to

Please provide the following information to make sure that we can help you as fully as possible:

  • Version number of the AnaGate library you are using
  • AnaGate hardware series and device version number
  • Version of the operating system you are using
  • Version of your development environment
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